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Effective advocacy requires an integrated approach: lobbying, grassroots engagement, public relations AND political campaign contributions.
- LSA-PAC—LSA’s political action fund—allows LSA the ability to support candidates and/or elected officials who understand and champion critical anesthesiologist issues, and it is clear that LSA’s voice is growing in strength in the Capitol and with policymakers. But that underscores the importance of members ‘continued support.
- We have a strong team of advocates in Baton Rouge who are working to protect LSA’s policy priorities and advance our political goals.
- Through these battles and others, it is crucial that LSA has strong relationships with influential policy-makers. LSA’s advocacy efforts include delivering facts, earning trust, and telling our patients’ stories, but it is not enough. LSA-PAC is essential to our political engagement as well.
- It is important we have 100% participation from all LSA leaders and members.
- With your help, we can ensure LSA-PAC resources are at the level needed to be effective as we start looking immediately ahead to the next round of strategic political and policy decisions.
LSA-PAC funds allow LSA the ability to support candidates and/or elected officials who understand and champion critical anesthesiologist issues, such as:
- Promoting physician-led anesthesia care
- Defeating inappropriate efforts to expand mid-level provider scope of practice
Reasons to be involved
- LSA-PAC funds raise LSA’s profile and recognition at the State Capitol and position the organization as a strong patient advocate to the Legislature and regulator arena.
- There is strength in unity and numbers.
- Making various contributions to key individuals on behalf of LSA places and keeps our name at the forefront of healthcare related discussions.
- LSA-PAC allows LSA to be proactive in the political arena in and around the State Capitol.
- Anyone can contribute to LSA-PAC
- Every member of LSA should contribute to LSA-SPAC
- Corporate entities, such as anesthesia groups, may also contribute
- Maximum contribution per calendar year is $25,000